Back to School

Staples was launching a Back to School campaign and needed a series of promotional videos that would resonate with teachers, parents, and students. The content included user-generated videos (UGC) from teachers and parents.
My role was to edit these UGC videos, ensuring they were polished and on-brand. This involved refining the video and audio quality, adding motion graphics, and creating a cohesive graphics package with titles, lower thirds, and callouts.
I edited the videos by carefully selecting the best takes and b-roll, cleaning up the audio, and enhancing the color. I then designed and implemented a graphics package that included engaging titles, lower thirds, and callouts to highlight key messages and hide imperfect footage. Throughout the process I ensured that the videos, although filmed offsite, aligned with Staples' branding.
The edited videos were published across various platforms, where they received over 800 thousand views and hundreds of interactions. The campaign was successful in not only engaging the audience but also fostering valuable relationships with brand influencers, contributing to Staples' overall marketing goals.

Behind the Scenes: Prop Fabrication

When you work in custom props and costuming no two days are ever alike. Here's a peek behind the curtain. (2014)

Find The Font You Want

I recently had a project that asked me to use the same font they had on their website in a video I was editing but they didn't have the names of the fonts they used. Seems like a dead end, right? Wrong! You can search for the fonts used on a website seconds! 

Step One: Find a page with a font you like, this is the site I was looking at: 

Step Two: Pull up the code. But, wait, I know nothing about code! Never fear, it's not as hard as it looks. To pull up the code in chrome go into "View" in the toolbar and scroll down to  "Developer" and choose "View Source" and the code will pop up.  

Step Three: Search for the font. You can spend hours reading through lines of code looking for the font names or you can make your life a lot easier by pressing command F to pull up a search box (in the upper right corner). Once the search box is up type in "Family" to find the font family. The word family will then be highlighted throughout the code. The font name will appear after "Family=" 

Step Four: Download your font. Once you have found your font name just take it into google and search for the font (note many websites have more than one font so you may have to scan through a couple before you find the one you were looking for). 

Step Five: Enjoy your font. Sit back and let people think you're a computer wiz because you can find a font through the code ;)


Bud Light Ad, Production assistant, 2013

PA for Bud Light ad